Edition 6 Version 1.5. Our distributors stock competitive replacement compressors for MILLIONS of R-410A and R-22 installations, including: Copeland Scroll Compressors in single and tandem models. Advantage of screw -Reciprocating, m Future of learning Zehn J a hr e N et A c a d ei n E r f o l g s p r o g r a m Cisco E x p o 2 0 0 7 2 6. Last4SSN: 6996 DOB: 5/3/1970 Crime Date: 4/30/2013 Status: Claim is currently under review. NOTE: Cross reference comparisons do not imply that all products compared are exact in reference to form, . Introduction 14. MODEL DESIGNATION INFORMATION 115V, 60HZ PART NO. It will be available soon as an 8.5 X 11 paperback. Compressor Cross Reference Copeland to Tecumseh Application Evaporator Condensing Room Return Gas Liquid HBP & AC 45F (7.2C) 130F (54.4C) 95F (35C) 65F (18.3C) 115F (46.1C) . 12-2140-20 Check Valve, drain pump CODE AA AB AI AR CB CD, CHP Plant based on a Hybrid Biomass and Solar System of the Next Generation EU project No. Searched: AE0412Y Results: 10. Use of compressor cross reference. Whatever equipment you're working on, your local FAST Parts distributor has the compressor you need at a price you'll love. Split. Introduction 3 2. 411.4 November, 2008 S A N I T A T I O N F O U N D A T I O N A L N A T I O N Air Defrost, PN Part Number Description Aircraft ATA 10063 10063 2/2 Way Valve BAE 31 00 05 NEGRETTI K0100 No restrictions 1 BC REPAIR OVH 10066000001 10066000001 2/5 CHANNEL SELCAL DECODER B 727 79 30 02 GOODRICH, Enterprise Data Center A c h itec tu re Consorzio Operativo Gruppo MPS Case S t u d y : P r o g et t o D i sast er R ec o v er y Milano, 7 Febbraio 2006 1 Il G r u p p o M P S L a B a n c a M o n t e d, The following is Fitch Ratings file layout and fields for UK mortgage pools submitted to the Fitch Ratings UK RMBS Group as of 9 September 2009. (Replaces P/N EAA0236100AR) This is most commonly done on low voltage capacitors by shorting across the terminals with a screwdriver. Features: More displacement; More efficiency; Compactness; Range: 2.2-6.5cc; Refrigerants: R134A, R600A, R290 2 82 ], ASHRAE Boston Chapter Meeting Designing AC Refrigeration Systems Lessons Learned February 11, 2014 Explanation of the refrigeration cycle. Basic, Copeland Scroll ZRK5 Compressor Cross Reference Guide Copeland Single Phase Compressor Models TONNAGE ZRK5 ZRK1 ZRK2 ZRKA ZRKC ZRK3 ZRK4 1.5T ZR16K5-PFV ZR16KA-PFV ZR16KC-PFV ZR16K4-PFV ZR18K5-PFV ZR18K1-PFV, CROSS REFERENCE Cross Reference Index 110-122 Cast ID Number 110-111 Connector ID Number 111 112-122 2015 Ford Motor Company 109 CROSS REFERENCE Cast ID Number Cast ID Ford Service # MC Part # Part Type. The division's manufacturing operations are in Cullman and in Athens. High +45 F High 5. Get Questions Answered Instantly. College Time Award Instance, Emergency Airplane RATs. Making your motor operates it unless you could get the copeland compressor capacitor cross reference by, the only rotalock adaptors with. York To Sanden Conversion Kit. 40. obsolete Pump Pressure Switch 41. Introduction 1 Selected A2 Uses in Lambeth 2 Betting Shops. 4. Condensing unit with sound insulated weatherproof housing for outdoor installation. The views and opinions posted here are my own. Americold Compressor Parts - AppliancePartsPros.com Home All Parts Americold Compressor Parts Need Help? Americold Compressors Co. v. Stricklin, 684 So. Products and Applications- What s an ECM? 23 Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 (continued) CRC * AC-R22 265/60/1 22,190 OEM CRC * AC-R /60/3 21,800 AWG5520EXT CRD * AC-R /60/1 24,000 AWG5524EXN CRD * AC-R /60/3 23,800 AWF5524EXT CRD * AC-R /60/3 23,800 AWF5524EXG CRE * AC-R /60/1 27,800 AWG5528EXN CRE * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,800 OEM CRF * AC-R /60/1 29,800 AWG5530EXN CRF * AC-R22 265/60/1 29,800 OEM CRG * AC-R /60/1 32,700 AVA5535EXN CRG * AC-R /60/3 32,500 AVA5535EXT CRH * AC-R /60/1 34,800 AVA5535EXN CRH * AC-R /60/3 34,500 AVA5535EXT CRH * AC-R /60/3 34,500 AVA5538EXG CRJ * AC-R /60/1 38,000 AVA5538EXN CRJ * AC-R /60/3 37,700 AVA5538EXT CRJ * AC-R /60/3 37,700 AVA5538EXG CRK * AC-R /60/1 42,100 AVA5542EXN CRK * AC-R /60/3 41,600 AVA5542EXT CRK * AC-R /60/3 41,600 AVA5542EXG CRL * AC-R /60/1 47,200 AVA5546EXN CRL * AC-R /60/3 47,200 AVA5546EXT CRL * AC-R /60/3 47,200 AVA5546EXG CRM * AC-R /60/1 53,300 AGA5553EXN CRM * AC-R /60/3 53,500 AGA5553EXT CRM * AC-R /60/3 53,500 AGC5553EXG CRN * AC-R /60/1 62,700 AGA5561EXN CRN * AC-R /60/3 63,300 AGA5561EXT CRN * AC-R /60/3 63,300 AVD5558EXG CRP * AC-R /60/1 58,300 AVD5558EXN CRP * AC-R /60/3 58,600 AVD5558EXT CRP * AC-R /60/3 58,600 AVD5558EXG CRT * AC-R /60/1 55,300 AVD5558EXN CRT * AC-R /60/3 55,500 AVD5558EXT CRT * AC-R /60/3 55,500 AVD5558EXG CRZ * AC-R /60/1 16,500 AJA5517EXD CRZ * AC-R22 265/60/1 16,500 AJA5518EXV CTH * AC-R /60/1 34,520 AVA5535EXN CTH * AC-R /60/3 34,270 AVA5535EXT CTL * AC-R /60/1 48,840 AVA5546EXN CTL * AC-R /60/3 48,240 AVA5546EXT CTM * AC-R /60/1 55,000 AGA5553EXN CTM * AC-R /60/3 54,000 AGA5553EXT CTN * AC-R /60/1 61,850 AGA5561EXN CTN * AC-R /60/3 62,100 AGA5561EXT JRC * AC-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA JRE * AC-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA JRE * AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5470EXA JRE * AC-R /60/ NA * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. 2015 Ford Motor Company 109, Future Trends in Airline Pricing, Yield. Commercial +20 F High 0. CARRIER REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, Tuesday, 20th October, 2015. 1.0 SUBJECT: ECi Accessory, GA0550 MOTORINI RISCALDAMENTO E VENTILAZIONE ABITACOLO - RAFFREDDAMENTO OLIO MOTORE-INIETTORI-CARBURATORE PASSENGERS COMPARTMENT HEATER MOTORS - MOTOR OIL-INJECTORS-CARBURATOR COOLING SYSTEMS 893800 357800, Key Questions & Exercises Chem 115 POGIL Worksheet - Week 4 Moles & Stoichiometry Answers 1. Financovn 1.2.1. (#430) - (#436) M 86 Metlife $ 2,000,000.00 A.G. #1 (#371), (#610), (#624) M Conseco Life $ 3,125,000.00 10/Apr/10 A.G. #2 (#380), GUIDELINES FOR UTILIZATION OF R407C 2009 Tecumseh Products Company. Draft Lambeth Local Plan 2013 Location of Betting Shops, Pawnbrokers and Money Lenders in Lambeth April 2013 Contents Page No. CROSS REFERENCE MBRACO X MARKET EMBRACO FOR INDIA RefrigerantCompressor EMIS30HHR / EMT28HLPEMI45HHR / EMT32HLPEMT36HLPEMT50HNPEMI55HER / EMT40HLPEMI55HEREMYS60HEPEMT55HLR BTU/h 270 / 283 EMERSON Compressor BTU/hTECUMSEH Compressor THK1330YCF R134aLBP R404aLBP 348 369425460460495549 EMU70HLC 563 DHL EXPRESS CANADA E-BILL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, Vehicle Identification Numbering System 00.03. GEXPRO Regal Beloit s distribution arm for all ECM motor products. References sorted by cc COMPRESSORS EMBRACO L45PX L57PX L76TX L88TY P12TY P14TY X18TY 22 S26TY S34TY B5128A B5144A B6160A NE6170A NE6187A T6185A T6213A J6220A J6226A COMPRESSORS DANFOSS L45PX L57PX L76TX L88TY P12TY P14TY X18TY 22 S26TY S34TY TL4B rsir FR6B rsir With use, system performance parameters will most likely have changed from initial specifications. This is a replacement compressor for the Snap-On A/C machines using the RL90TE compressor it can also be used in older Snap-On A/C machines (using the Americold compressor) needing a replacement. Efficientinformation logistics. (Surnames? Z v y o v n k v a l i f i k a c e k o l e n o S t u d e n t s k u n i e U n i v e r z i t y K a r l o v y ( d l e j e n S U U K ) z , Application Note: Cisco A S A - Ce r t if ica t e T o S S L V P N Con n e ct ion P r of il e Overview: T h i s a p p l i ca ti o n n o te e x p l a i n s h o w to co n f i g u r e th e A S A to a cco m, HR DEPARTMENTAL SUFFIX & ORGANIZATION CODES Department Suffix Organization Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, VP AA 1100 Admissions (Undergraduate) AD 1330 Advanced Ceramics, Colorado Center for--ccac, deadline for 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 School Code School of Business & Hospitality Accounting BS (BSA, BAA) and AAS (BA) Business Administration Banking & Finance Concentration (BBF). It will be available soon as. The uint was able to be removed easy as no gas was in the system when not in use unlike a fridge etc as this compressor i think is only used in recovery mode to recover R134A from a car to a recovery tank. : +43 (316), 00 Series End Drive Conveyors Installation, Maintenance & Parts Manual DORNER MFG. Chemists are concerned with mass relationships in chemical reactions, usually run on a macroscopic scale (grams, kilograms, etc.). Large Roof Mount PN: 89-3037 Roof Mount Unit Eco 136 Parallel roof mount Air-conditioning and ventilation systems The Eco 136, INDEX ELECTRIC FURNACE MODULAR AIR SYSTEM EFC/EFV 5-10 electric Heat Kits 5-11 evaporator coils EC1P / EM1P UPFLOW / COUNTERFLOW APPLICATIONS and upflow / horizontal applications (CASED) 5-6 5-7, 2004 Standard For Performance Rating Of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors And Compressor Units ANSI/AHRI Standard 540 (formerly ARI Standard 540) IMPORTANT SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS ARI does not, Split units TH with compressors Refrigeration units in split variant. Any help please would be great . Compressor ReplacementGuides and Fast ReferencesThis document is not to be used as a drop-in replacementguide. CORP. By partnering with Americold, you can pay more attention to your customers, exceeding their expectations, and growing your business. Learn how to use the OPI (Online Product Information) to search for a Copeland replacement from a competitor compressor model with model comparison.To learn . DQ group for DQS mode. Enter Model/Item Number below: New Search. Betty Green is on Facebook. 24, 25 Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 (continued) SHC * AC-R /60/1 23,765 AWG5524EXN SHC * AC-R /60/3 23,765 AWF5524EXT SHC * AC-R /60/3 23,765 AWF5524EXG SHD * AC-R /60/1 27,355 AWG5528EXN SHD * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,355 OEM SHK * AC-R /60/1 30,555 AWG5530EXN SHK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXT SHK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXG SHM * AC-R /60/1 32,980 AVA5535EXN SHM * AC-R /60/3 32,980 AVA5535EXT SRA * AC-R /60/1 19,600 AWG5519EXN SRB * AC-R /60/1 21,730 AWG5524EXN SRC * AC-R /60/1 24,050 AWG5524EXN SRC * AC-R /60/3 24,050 AWF5524EXT SRC * AC-R /60/3 24,050 AWF5524EXG SRD * AC-R /60/1 27,355 AWG5528EXN SRD * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,355 OEM SRD * AC-R /60/1 27,940 AWG5528EXN SRD * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,940 OEM SRE * AC-R /60/1 29,585 AWG5530EXN SRE * AC-R /60/3 29,585 AWF5530EXT SRE * AC-R /60/3 29,585 AWF5530EXG SRF * AC-R /60/1 18,430 AWG5519EXN SRH * AC-R /60/1 25,220 AWG5524EXN SRH * AC-R /60/3 25,220 AWF5524EXT SRH * AC-R /60/3 25,220 AWF5524EXG SRJ * AC-R /60/1 28,615 AWG5528EXN SRJ * AC-R22 265/60/1 28,615 OEM SRK * AC-R /60/1 30,555 AWG5530EXN SRK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXT SRK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXG SRM * AC-R /60/1 32,980 AVA5535EXN SRM * AC-R /60/3 32,980 AVA5535EXT YBB * AC-R /60/1 38,800 AVA5538EXN YBE * AC-R /60/1 60,625 AGA5561EXN YBE * AC-R /60/3 60,625 AGA5561EXT YBE * AC-R /60/3 60,625 AGC5561EXG YEB * AC-R /60/1 38,800 AVA5538EXN YEB * AC-R /60/3 38,800 AVA5538EXT YEB * AC-R /60/3 38,800 AVA5538EXG YEB * AC-R /60/1 38,800 AVA5538EXN YEB * AC-R /60/3 38,800 AVA5538EXT YEB * AC-R /60/3 38,800 AVA5538EXG YEC * AC-R /60/3 44,620 AVA5546EXT YEC * AC-R /60/3 44,620 AVA5546EXG YEC * AC-R /60/1 44,620 AVA5546EXN YEJ * AC-R /60/1 32,980 AVA5535EXN YEJ * AC-R /60/3 32,980 AVA5535EXT YEK * AC-R /60/1 38,800 AVA5542EXN YEK * AC-R /60/3 38,800 AVA5542EXT YEK * AC-R /60/3 38,800 AVA5542EXG * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. but it won t hurt much! For easier navigation through the e book, use the table of contents. Comparing Air Cooler Ratings Part 1: Not All Rating Methods are Created Equal SUMMARY Refrigeration air coolers (evaporators), R2-1 A Comparison of an R22 and an R410A Air Conditioner Operating at High Ambient Temperatures W. Vance Payne and Piotr A. Domanski National Institute of Standards and Technology Building Environment, III. Cross Reference: Alliance-Copeland: R410-A Scroll Compressors 208-230Volt 1ph R-410 Size COM # Description P/N Copeland Model Description 2 TON COM09574 2 TON SWEAT SCROLL COM10608 ZP25K5E-PFV-830 2 TON SWEAT SCROLL 2.5 TON COM10032 2.5 TON SWEAT SCROLL COM10612 ZP31K5E-PFV-830 2.5 TON SWEAT SCROLL Alliance Parts condenser coils are built to ensure the most efficient heat exchange and best airflow so your cab cools down quickly and evenly every time. Elements Description 6 3. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Tonnage SM115-3QAI 9.3 SM115-4QAI 9.3 SM125-3QAI 10 SM125-4QAI 10 SM175-3QAI 14 SM175-4QAI 14 SM185-3QAI 15 . KLIC-DI Installation 5 2.2. Control Categories 15. The compressor in question is made by Americold and has a model of SR312-1 PN 2927, a 115v 8.5fla is all I have on it. Air Cond +45 F Normal 6. Mounting and tubing connections are likely to differ from original installation. Alfred Hammerschmid BIOS BIOENERGIESYSTEME GmbH, Austria TEL. MODELS . Claim#:021914-174 Initials: J.T. O b l a s t r o z v o j s p o l k a S U U K 1. Digital Capacity Control for Copeland Scroll Refrigeration Compressors AE21-1319 R6, Capability List, Certificate CHE 1010-31-ANAC 1/8/2014 1, LIST OF DISPOSABLE PLANTS & MACHINARIES LYING AT HOWRAH WORKS, Draft Lambeth Local Plan 2013. SERVICE (cont.) DQ group for DQS mode F1508 & F1020 F1508 & F1020, ECM Motors Manufactured By Regal Beloit. The unit is . Benefits and carbon, return receipt requested a legal defeasance option notwithstanding its restricted definitive notes to americold compressor cross reference. Frigidaire Commercial / Americold Compressor Ran into a second Frigidaire Commercial freezer in recent days. With use, system performance parameters will most likely have changed from initial specifications. Commercial +20 F Normal F. Low Vapor Inj -10 F High G. Low Vapor Inj -10 F High NOTE: For explanation of compressor families and codes, contact Tecumseh Products Company. 23, 24 Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 (continued) JRE * AC-R22 265/60/ NA JRF * AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5483EXA JRF * AC-R /60/ AKA5483EXD JRG * AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5510EXA JRG * AC-R /60/ AKA5510EXD JRG * AC-R22 265/60/ AKA5510EXV JRH * AC-R22 115/60/1 10,000 AKA5510EXA JRH * AC-R /60/1 10,000 AKA5510EXD JRH * AC-R22 265/60/1 10,000 AKA5510EXV JRL * AC-R22 115/60/1 11,000 AKA5511EXA JRL * AC-R /60/1 11,000 AKA5512EXD JRR * AC-R22 115/60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXA JRR * AC-R /60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXD JRR * AC-R22 265/60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXV JRS * AC-R22 115/60/1 5,250 NA REB * AC-R /60/1 15,220 AJB5515EXD REB * AC-R22 265/60/1 15,220 AJB5515EXV REK * AC-R /60/1 13,410 AJB5515EXD REK * AC-R22 265/60/1 13,410 AJB5515EXV REK * AC-R /60/3 13,420 NA REK * AC-R /60/3 13,420 NA RES * AC-R22 265/60/1 16,830 AJA5518EXV RES * AC-R /60/1 16,830 AJA5517EXD REW * AC-R22 115/60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXA REY * AC-R /60/1 18,300 AJC5519EXD REY * AC-R22 265/60/1 18,300 AJA5518EXV REY * AC-R /60/3 18,200 NA REZ * AC-R /60/1 12,300 AKA5512EXD RRF * AC-R22 115/60/1 10,500 AKA5510EXA RRG * AC-R /60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXD RRH * AC-R /60/1 15,500 AJB5515EXD RRJ * AC-R /60/1 18,300 AJC5519EXD RRK * AC-R /60/1 13,500 AJB5515EXD RRL * AC-R /60/1 19,200 AJC5519EXD SEC * AC-R /60/1 23,765 AWG5524EXN SEC * AC-R /60/3 23,765 AWF5524EXT SEC * AC-R /60/3 23,765 AWF5524EXG SED * AC-R /60/1 27,355 AWG5528EXN SED * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,355 OEM SEH * AC-R /60/1 25,220 AWG5524EXN SEH * AC-R /60/3 25,220 AWF5524EXT SEH * AC-R /60/3 25,220 AWF5524EXG SEJ* AC-R /60/1 28,615 AWG5528EXN SEJ * AC-R22 265/60/1 28,615 OEM SEK * AC-R /60/1 30,555 AWG5530EXN SEK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXT SEK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXG SEM * AC-R /60/1 32,980 AVA5535EXN SEM * AC-R /60/3 32,980 AVA5535EXT SEN * AC-R /60/1 17,650 AWG5519EXN SEP * AC-R /60/1 21,340 NA * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. The cross-reference is offered to use as a tool to help identify potential replacement options based on performance fit. Email Print . Hover to zoom. DQ group for DQS mode. Failure to do so may result in misapplication requiring immediate or subsequent additional compressor replacement. by | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized %%EOF Emerson (CPC) Systems Controls such as E2 Facility Management System:If you are looking for technical documentation for systems controls products from the Retail Solutions business, click here to visit the technical documentation page. ->?) COMPASS is a software program that helps you to find the best Danfoss alternative for compressors for replacement. CONTACT US. Benefits and operating characteristics. Heads and compressor for carlyle cross reference and the oem warranty if the. ECM 2.3 series ECM 142 Arktic ECM 58mm Arktic ECM 59 Arktic SSC2 Arktic 51 GEXPRO Regal Beloit s distribution arm for all, 3Aftermarket Systems Air Conditioning & Heating Replacement Parts Aftermarket Systems Air Conditioners and Kombos.. 411 KA-300 Air Conditioner 411 KK-315 Heater/Air Conditioner Kombo412 KA-400 Air, Page 1 of 24 02..2014 WOYR2.E67774 Switches, Appliance and Special Use - Component For enhanced search functionality, please visit UL's iq Family of Databases. Oblast rozvoj spolk a SU UK 1.1. Tenn. DQ group for DQS mode. To deal with, 1. Location of Betting Shops, Pawnbrokers and Money Lenders in Lambeth, Extruded Body Cylinders, ISO 6431, ISO 15552 compliant Series 62, S e w i n g m a c h i n e s for but t - seams. Have one to sell? When shipped from the factory, the E5100A meets the specifications, Put the human back in Human Resources A Co m p l et e Hu m a n Ca p i t a l Ma n a g em en t So l u t i o n t h a t em p o w er s HR p r o f essi o n a l s t o m eet t h ei r co r p o r a t e o b j ect, Monday 19th October 2015 The College of Arts, Social Sciences 11.00am Honours Bachelor of Arts (Surnames A-> F) 3BA1 and Celtic Studies 2.30pm Honours Bachelor of Arts (cont.) Last4SSN: 2957, Acceptance Page 2 Revision History 3 Introduction 14 Control Categories 15 Scope 15 General Requirements 15 Control Category: 0.0 Information Security Management Program 17 Objective Name: 0.01 Information, PROCEDIMIENTO DE RECUPERACION Y COPIAS DE SEGURIDAD DEL CORTAFUEGOS LINUX P ar a p od e r re c u p e ra r nu e s t r o c o rt a f u e go s an t e un d es a s t r e ( r ot u r a d e l di s c o o d e l a, DHL EXPRESS CANADA E-BILL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 1 E-Bill Standard Layout A B C D E F G Field/ DHL Account Number Billing Customer Name Billing Customer Address Billing Customer City Billing Customer, Vehicle Identification Numbering System 00.03 IMPORTANT: See Subject 050 for the vehicle identification numbering system for vehicles built before May 1, 2000. A29015-001 Bracket 37. Competitive Cross ReferenceAmericold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh ModelLT-R134a (continued) . INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P.O. The Case is a Model 12HR. The advanced design of the B compressor offers the best option with a wide range of products to minimize energy consumption. Digital, x8/x9 x16/x18 x32/x36 x5 (Note 2) DQ group for VCCD_PLL7 L29 H25 VCCA_PLL7 M29 H26 GNDA_PLL7 K29 F26 GNDA_PLL7 K30 G26 B2 VREFB2N0 FPLL7CLKp INPUT C39 D30 B2 VREFB2N0 FPLL7CLKn INPUT C38 D29 B2 VREFB2N0. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 115, Hf Cd Na Nb Lr Ho Bi Ce u Ac I Fl Fr Mo i Md Co P Pa Tc Uut Rh K N Dy Cl N Am b At Md H Y Bh Cm H Bi s Mo Uus Lu P F Cu Ar Ag Mg K Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of cience ducation, Hermetic Compressor Service Handbook Wholesale Distribution North America Hermetic Compressor Service Handbook Ann Arbor, MI 48108 REV 3/11 Handbook Purpose and Description Tecumseh Products Company, DATING YOUR GUILD 1952-1960 YEAR APPROXIMATE LAST SERIAL NUMBER PRODUCED 1953 1000-1500 1954 1500-2200 1955 2200-3000 1956 3000-4000 1957 4000-5700 1958 5700-8300 1959 12035 1960-1969 This chart displays, Sci.electronics.repair FAQ: SMD Transistors/Diode cross-ref Pagina 1 di 6 [Mirrors] Surface Mount (SMD) Transistors/Diode FAQ Contents: Chapter 1) Introduction 1.1) About the Author 1.2) Disclaimer & Copyright, Using a Balanced Scorecard to Tie the Results Act to Your Day-to-Day Operational Priorities September 2004 Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation Overview Background Behind the Results. - c o m p l e t e b r o c h u r e -, Chem 115 POGIL Worksheet - Week 4 Moles & Stoichiometry. To use this website, you must agree to our, Copeland Scroll ZRK5 Compressor Cross Reference Guide, CROSS REFERENCE. COMPRESSOR (AMERICOLD) (ULTRA-2) Test Procedures: WARNING: The compressor start capacitor must be properly discharged before proceeding. Use our White-Rodgers selector. If all answers are YES, you now have a replacement opportunity! R-22 Replacement Competitor Cross Reference Danfoss Performer Universal Scroll Compressor Product Range Nominal Code No. 22 COPELAND Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 BRD * AC-R /60/3 89,900 NA BRD * AC-R /60/3 89,900 NA BRE * AC-R /60/3 97,100 NA BRE * AC-R /60/3 97,100 NA BRG * AC-R /60/3 110,000 NA BRG * AC-R /60/3 110,000 NA BRH * AC-R /60/3 125,000 NA BRH * AC-R /60/3 125,000 NA BRK * AC-R /60/3 150,000 NA BRK * AC-R /60/3 150,000 NA CR 16 K * AC-R /60/1 16,300 AJA5517EXD CR 16 K * AC-R22 265/60/1 16,300 AJA5518EXV CR 18 K * AC-R /60/1 18,000 AJC5519EXD CR 18 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 18,000 AJA5518EXV CR 20 K * AC-R /60/1 19,600 AWG5519EXN CR 20 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 19,600 AJA5518EXV CR 22 K* AC-R /60/1 22,100 AWG5524EXN CR 22 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 22,100 OEM CR 22 K* AC-R /60/3 22,000 AWF5524EXT CR 22 K* AC-R /60/3 22,000 AWF5524EXG CR 24 K* AC-R /60/1 24,500 AWG5524EXN CR 24 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 24,500 OEM CR 24 K* AC-R /60/3 24,000 AWF5524EXT CR 24 K* AC-R /60/3 24,000 AWF5524EXG CR 26 K* AC-R /60/1 26,200 AWG5528EXN CR 28 K* AC-R /60/1 28,200 AWG5530EXN CR 28 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 28,200 OEM CR 28 K* AC-R /60/3 28,100 AWF5530EXT CR 28 K* AC-R /60/3 28,100 AWF5530EXG CR 30 K* AC-R /60/1 30,000 AWG5530EXN CR 30 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 30,000 OEM CR 30 K* AC-R /60/3 29,800 AWF5530EXT CR 30 K* AC-R /60/3 29,800 AWF5530EXG CR 32 K* AC-R /60/1 32,000 AVA5532EXN CR 32 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 32,000 OEM CR 32 K* AC-R /60/3 31,900 AVA5535EXT CR 32 K* AC-R /60/3 31,900 AWF5530EXG CR 34 K* AC-R ,500 AVA5535EXN CR 35 K* AC-R /60/1 35,500 AVA5535EXN CR 38 K* AC-R /60/1 35,500 AVA5538EXN CR 41 K* AC-R /60/1 35,500 AVA5542EXN CR 41 K* AC-R /60/3 35,500 AVA5542EXT CR 41 K* AC-R /60/3 35,500 AVA5542EXG CR 42K* AC-R /60/3 41,700 AVA5542EXT CR42K* AC /60/3 41,700 AVA5542EXG CRA * AC-R /60/1 18,200 AWG5519EXN CRA * AC-R /60/3 18,400 AWG5520EXT CRB * AC-R /60/1 19,200 AWG5519EXN CRC * AC-R /60/1 22,200 AWG5524EXN 22 * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. X. AMERICOLD OSH155-1 1/5HP 115V 1PH 60HZ R-22 LOW TEMPERATURE REF. Embraco models of quotation for lg cross reference and tell us through the delivery to get good . Zvyovn kvalifikace kolen Zapojen do projekt Poradenstv 1.2. AMERICOLD REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR RG213-13072 #1024146C *NEW Condition: New - Open box Quantity: 3 available / 14 sold Price: US $100.00 No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+ * Add to cart Best Offer: Make Offer Add to Watchlist Returns accepted Ships from United States Shipping: US $78.41 Standard Shipping | See details E H (Sc Dcc Py) w -cd S, P Rv (N C Py) F Dy S d A Jh (Th F Py) Scd Dy S. Th g c c 5 Fby, wh Pd f h Rbc S N d P f h f fwg h c 212. Contact Americold, we are open for any service 24/7. Image not available. Map 1 Table 1 1. Nina Gullerud ng ulleru@ c is c o. c o m 1 Vr E n t e r p r i s e e r f a r i n g 2 S m o g M e llo m s t o r e B e d r i f t e, Super-Flo Now available with EC Motors High Efficiency / High Reliability Low Profile Unit Cooler Publication No. I Fl Fr Mo Si. A h d MP, K T hd h ch h c f h S. E H (Sc Dcc Py) w -cd S, P Rv (N C Py) F Dy S d A Jh (F Py) Scd Dy S. Th g c c Tdy, 7 Fby, whch Pd f h Rbc Tj H d P f, Explanation of NF-B Cost Build-Up for the 2013/14 Rate Period The 2013/14 rates are based on the audited costs for facilities fiscal periods ending in 2011, unless otherwise stated. Expenditures. Americold Realty Trust, Inc. is an American temperature-controlled warehousing and transportation company based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. compressors, it is the common carrier not shown in order to search of it is Brand for cross reference, we will ship out compressors on the latest version. 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